
Online courses with certificate: Learn new knowledge






That the  work is extremely disputed, you already know that, so trained professionals end up standing out much more at the time of selection. And to stand out and train yourself in the right way, the online courses with certificate are powerful allies. However, usually quality content also ends up being expensive content.

Well, usually quality and price go hand in hand, so by selecting the platform well, it is indeed possible to find a free platform that has quality content. Content that even clashes with paid platforms. So if you were looking for a simple and free way to go professional, then you have come to the right place.

Remembering that, as we will show you below, a well-written curriculum with good courses can very well clash with the curriculum of someone more experienced. Therefore, if you are looking for your first job, then read this article until the end, as it will be very important for you.

What is the importance of online courses with certificates?

But after all, what exactly is the importance of these courses? As we explained before, the task of getting the first job is usually quite complicated. Because, most of the time, companies prioritize resumes of already experienced professionals. However, if you have a good range of courses, competing head-to-head with  such professionals is perfectly possible.

However, for very obvious reasons you will need to select very carefully the type of course you will choose, as there is no point in having an administration course and applying for a vacancy that does not require such skill. However, there are some types of courses that are good for basically anything, and we’ll introduce you to what those short courses are.

Best Certified Online Course Platforms

But, as you might imagine, it is not enough to simply opt for any online course platform with a certificate. Well, it is important to take into account that some courses have much more credibility than others, so the platform selection process will greatly influence the quality of your curriculum. Below we will show you some platforms that you can choose without fear.

Follows the list composed of the best platforms to carry out online courses with certificate:

  1. Educate More Brazil
  2. Coursera
  3. Prime Courses
  4. EDX
  5. Brazil is more digital
  6. FGV
  7. Udacity

If you want to take a course, but you have no idea which platform to use, know that any platform mentioned above will serve you very well. Remembering that the certificates presented are recognized by the MEC and the courses are online, so you can enroll without fear of making a mistake.

How is certificate delivery performed?

However, of course these courses are conducted entirely over the internet, so how exactly does the certificate delivery take place? This answer is very simple. Going straight to the point, this happens in a very simple way. Upon completion of a course on any of the aforementioned platforms, an email will be sent to you. On most platforms the certificate is free too, however in some cases a fee is charged to purchase the certificate if you wish.

You can then print this certificate and put it on a board, or even attach it to your physical resume. However, it is also possible to attach the file to your  digital curriculum, which makes this certificate extremely versatile. Taking into account that you will be able to use both its physical version and its digital version, without any problem.

What are the best online certificate courses to have on your resume?

Now, pulling the hook from a previous point, in addition to choosing very carefully the platform you will use, the course in question is also very important. And below we will show you which are the main courses on the market, those that are basically wildcards. So take a notebook and a pen to write down each course on this list.

Online English Course

The first course on this list is the classic Basic English and Medium English, when we talk about online courses with a certificate, this is usually the most sought after. The high demand for English courses is due to the high demand for professionals who speak this language. However, this high demand is based on studies.

Studies show that professionals who are fluent in English tend to earn much more than professionals who know nothing about English. However, this does not only apply to professionals who are fluent in English, having basic and medium knowledge will help a lot.

Online Spanish Course

Still in terms of languages, the next course on the list is Spanish, and the reasons for professionals who speak Spanish, English or any second language are very simple. The purpose of this is to ensure that tourists can receive care. So, taking a Spanish course is an excellent way to make the curriculum much more competitive.

Online Sales Course

And finally, we have the sales course, which is extremely suitable for any type of professional, since one way or another you will need to convince someone of something. Developing this skill is extremely simpler than it seems. Among the online courses with a certificate, the sales course is certainly one of the most important and sought after.

When looking for a good course, sales is one of the most sought after, and this is because it is also one of the most important. Remembering that it is also extremely useful for those who work with sales obviously, but of course it can be useful for those who do not work with it. Therefore, when selecting courses, it costs nothing to place a sales course among the chosen ones.


As we showed at the beginning of the article, having courses in your resume can be the difference between hiring or not. And this is especially true for those looking for their first job, after all, due to lack of experience, this process tends to be difficult. However, it is perfectly possible to solve this problem, and in a very simple way.

Most courses usually take about 2 to 5 days to finish, that is, taking an online course is the same as sacrificing a few hours of your day in exchange for a much greater ability to do your job. work correctly. Currently, not improving in your area of ​​expertise is a huge mistake, as this opens gaps for replacements in the staff.

We hope that this content helps you to be successful and have good studies. Check out more daily content on our portal and until next time!

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