
Top productivity books you need to read






Are you in the habit of reading books on productivity? If your answer is no, then keep in mind that this is a powerful learning tool. Therefore, developing the habit of reading regularly is a great way to become increasingly productive in your professional life.

So, take note material to put together a shopping list, and get ready to go to the library to make some requests. Well, being in a constant state of learning is something very important in the life of any professional. Keeping up to date is essential to progress in the job market. See the best productivity books!

How to create the habit of reading?

First of all, it is important to clarify how to create the habit of reading. For many people, consistently reading a book to the end is a real challenge. However, this doesn’t have to be so complicated, developing the habit of reading regularly is simpler than you might think.

If you can’t read a chapter a day or if you don’t have time to stop for a while and focus on reading? So try to start by reading just a single sheet a day, over the weeks or months reading will become easier, and soon you’ll be reading entire chapters without feeling tired.

The power of habit – Productivity Books

The first book on the list is “The Power of Habit“, basically this book addresses what drives us to do what we do on a daily basis. This book was written on February 28, 2012, by author Charles Duhigg and initially published in English.

Basically, the book The Power of Habit shows what it takes to turn something into a habit and how to use it to your advantage to improve productivity. So if you frequently procrastinate, then this book is perfect for you.


The art of making things happen – Productivity Books

The next book on this list is the book “The art of making it happen“, this book was written by David Allen, and it states that people can be more productive as long as they keep your mind free. It’s basically called “open loops” in the book, so if you’re easily distracted, it’s hurting your productivity.

So, the book The art of making it happen can help you deal with this, allowing you to see clearly what needs to be done and how to solve everyday problems in a more productive way .

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time

Now, do you usually have little time and many responsibilities in your routine? So, learning how to perform such tasks quickly and efficiently is very important. Therefore, the book “Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time” it will allow you to be more productive in your day to day tasks.

This book was written in 2014 by Jeff Sutherland and features several real stories of people who found a way to better manage their time. So if you want to learn from real stories how to do your work in a more productive way, this book will be a gold mine for you.

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Essentialism – The disciplined one searches for less

In this incredible book called “Essentialism“, which is on The New York Times bestseller list, author Greg Mckeown teaches us that to strike a balance between work and personal life, it is important to eliminate what is not essential and free yourself from wasting time. That way, we can focus on the really important things and achieve our goals.

If we don’t take the initiative in deciding what is important in our lives and where to direct our energy, other people will do it for us, causing us to lose focus on what is really essential and meaningful in our lives.


A hot and essential read these days. It’s really worth it.

The Habits of Highly Effective People – Productivity Books

Next is the book “The Habits of Highly Effective People“. This book is indicated for people who want to reach a high income level. Therefore, if you want to become a great athlete, or a successful businessman, we recommend reading.

So, this book has a real wealth of information that will take you to a high productivity level. Therefore, it is worth taking the time and money to buy this book and start looking to improve yourself as a professional.

The book The Habits of Highly Effective People was written on August 15, 1989, by Stephen Covey in the United States. The fact that this book has stood the test of time demonstrates just how useful the information is.


Have you seen how reading can be a great way to improve yourself both professionally and professionally? Reading is something that for many people is boring, but as you learn to read at a pleasant pace, reading becomes something pleasurable, so if you can’t read at a faster pace, try to start slowly.

Reading a page or two a day is already much better than not reading at all. So try to start by reading things you like like comics. Studying about your area of ​​expertise, and developing the habit of seeking to be more and more productive is something very important for a professional and also personal satisfaction.

Try it, start it, I assure you it will be worth it. Surely, you will no longer be able to let go of the habit of having your book by your bedside.

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