
Bolsa Família: Receive more than 600 reais and change your financial reality






The Bolsa Família is a federal government social program that aims to help low-income families overcome poverty and hunger.

The program offers monthly financial aid to these families, which can vary according to the number of members and family income. The minimum value of the Bolsa Família is R$600.00, but can reach up to R$1,800.00 in some cases.

If you are a low-income person and need financial help to improve your quality of life, Bolsa Família can be an interesting option.

To enroll in the program, it is necessary to meet some requirements, such as having a monthly family income of up to R$89.00 per person, having children under 18 or pregnant women in the family, among others.

In addition, you must also be registered in the Cadastro Único, which is valid for the  Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

If you fit the criteria of the program, know that Bolsa Família can be an excellent opportunity to change your financial reality.

With the monthly aid, you can guarantee a minimum income for your family and invest in your education, health and well-being. Don’t waste any more time and look for information on how to enroll in Bolsa Família right now.

What is Bolsa Família

image of the family scholarship card< p id="caption-attachment-9345" class="wp-caption-text">Stay tuned for Bolsa Familia 2023 Calendar – Photo: Google Images

Bolsa Família is a social program of the Brazilian federal government that aims to help low-income families in vulnerable situations to have access to a minimum income to meet their basic needs.

The program is managed by the Ministry of Citizenship and is considered one of the largest income transfer programs in the world.

Single Registration – Bolsa Familia

To participate in Bolsa Família, it is necessary that the family be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government.

This registry is a database that gathers information on low-income families in the country and is used as an instrument for identifying and selecting beneficiaries of social programs.

The information that must appear in the Cadastro Único includes personal data, such as name, CPF, date of birth and NIS number (Social Identification Number), in addition to information on family income, family composition and housing conditions .

Once registered in the Cadastro Único, the family can be selected to receive the Bolsa Família, as long as it meets the eligibility criteria of the program.

These criteria take into account the per capita income of the family, the number of children and adolescents in the family and the presence of pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with disabilities in the family.

In summary, Bolsa Família is a social program that helps low-income families in vulnerable situations to have access to a minimum income to meet their basic needs.

To participate in the program, the family must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government and meet the program’s eligibility criteria.

Enroll easily in the CadÚnico Program: Step by Step

Guarantee your Benefits now:

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/como-solicitar-o-auxilio-gas-tudo-o-que-voce-precisa-saber/} texto={REQUEST GAS AID} corfundo={#22557f} corletra={#fff}]

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/beneficio-auxilio-brasil-tudo-sobre-o-beneficio/} texto={REQUEST AID BRAZIL} corfundo ={#22557f} corletra={#fff}]

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/saiba-como-solicitar-o-bolsa-familia-2023/} texto={REQUEST BOLSA FAMÍLIA} corfundo ={#22557f} corletra={#fff}]

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/auxilio-alimentacao-cadastre-se-para-receber/} texto={REQUEST FOOD AID} corfundo={ #22557f} corletra={#fff}]

Who can receive Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família is a federal government social program that aims to combat poverty and social vulnerability in the country.

To receive the benefit, the family must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government and meet some criteria established by the program.

cartão Bolsa Família

Bolsa Family – receive more R$600.00 – Source Bolsa Familia

Children and Adolescents

Children and adolescents are one of the main beneficiaries of Bolsa Família. The program provides for an additional amount of R$150 per child up to six years old.

In addition, families with teenagers between 16 and 17 years old can also receive an additional benefit in the amount of R$48 per month.

Pregnant women

Pregnant women are also covered by Bolsa Família. Pregnant women are entitled to an additional benefit of R$41 per month during the entire pregnancy period. This amount is paid up to the ninth month of pregnancy, provided the pregnancy is duly proven.

To receive the Bolsa Família, the monthly income of the family must be up to R$89 per person. Families with income between BRL 89.01 and BRL 178 per person may also be eligible for the benefit, provided they have children, teenagers or pregnant women in the family composition.

It is important to note that Bolsa Família is a temporary income transfer program and that the benefit can be canceled if the family no longer meets the criteria established by the program.

In addition, the benefit may be suspended if the family does not update its data in the Single Registry or does not comply with the conditions established by the program, such as school attendance of children and prenatal care by pregnant women.


In summary, Bolsa Família is an important social program to combat poverty and social vulnerability in the country. Children, adolescents and pregnant women are some of the main beneficiaries of the program, which establishes strict criteria for granting the benefit.

If you meet the criteria established by the program, be sure to look for information on how to apply and receive the benefit.


How to receive more than 600 reais with Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família is a social program of the Brazilian federal government that aims to help families in poverty and extreme poverty. It is managed by the Ministry of Citizenship and is one of the main public policies to combat social inequality in the country.

With the new rules of Bolsa Família, now called Auxílio Brasil, families that meet the criteria established by the program can receive more than 600 reais per month. For this, it is necessary to follow some steps.

Aid Brazil

The Auxílio Brasil is the new name of Bolsa Família, which underwent significant changes. Now, the program provides for a minimum benefit of 600 reais per family, in addition to an additional 150 reais for each child up to six years old and an additional 50 reais for each child aged between 6 and 18 years. >

To receive the Brazil Aid, the family must be registered in the Single Register for Social Programs of the Federal Government. If the family is not yet registered, it is necessary to look for the nearest Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) to carry out the registration.

National Congress

Auxílio Brasil was approved by the National Congress through a Provisional Measure. This means it still needs to be signed into law by Congress before it can be fully implemented.

If there are any changes to the program rules during the approval process, it is important to be aware and inform yourself through official government channels.


Receiving more than 600 reais with Bolsa Família, now called Auxílio Brasil, is possible by following a few steps. First, you must be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government.

In addition, it is important to be aware of changes in the program’s rules during the approval process by the National Congress. Auxílio Brasil is an important public policy to combat social inequality in the country.

Other Government Social Programs

In addition to Bolsa Família, the Brazilian government offers several other social programs that can help low-income families improve their financial situation. Below, we highlight two of these programs:

My Home My Life

The Minha Casa Minha Vida program is a federal government initiative that aims to help low-income families acquire their own homes. The program offers subsidies for the purchase of new or used properties, in addition to special financing conditions.

To enroll in the program, you must have a family income of up to R$7,000.00 and not own any property in your name. Families that meet the program’s criteria can receive subsidies of up to R$47,500.00, depending on the region and the value of the property.

Minha Casa, Minha Vida: Realize the dream of owning a home

Emergency Aid

Auxílio Emergencial is a benefit created by the federal government in 2020 to help informal, self-employed and unemployed workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The benefit was paid in monthly installments of R$600.00 or R$1,200.00, depending on the family situation.

Currently, Emergency Aid is no longer being paid. However, the Brazilian government created Auxílio Brasil, which will replace Bolsa Família from January 2022. The program will have higher values ​​than Bolsa Família and will benefit about 16 million families across the country.< /p>

Final Considerations

In conclusion, Bolsa Família, now called Auxílio Brasil, is a federal government social program that offers a unique opportunity for low-income families to transform their financial reality.

With a minimum amount of BRL 600.00 per month, the benefit provides a minimum income and the possibility of investing in fundamental areas such as education, health and well-being.

By enrolling in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government and meeting the eligibility criteria, you can secure this essential help to overcome poverty and improve your quality of life.

Don’t waste time and look for information on how to apply for the Brazil Aid right now. Take advantage of this chance to receive more than 600 reais and build a financially stable future for you and your family.

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