
Social Benefits approved by the government in 2023: What are they?






The Brazilian government has approved a series of social benefits for 2023. These programs aim to help low-income families face financial difficulties and improve their quality of life.

Among the approved benefits are the Family Allowance, Brazil Aid, Emergency Aid, Continued Provision Benefit (BPC), the Gas Voucher, the Safra Guarantee, the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI),among other aids.< /p>

Bolsa Família is one of the main social programs of the Brazilian government. It aims to help low-income families meet their basic needs, such as food, health and education.

In 2023, Bolsa Família will have an increase in the value of the benefit, which will be R$ 600.00. This increase is an important measure to help the most vulnerable families face the economic crisis that the country has been facing in recent years.

In addition to Bolsa Família, the government also approved the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC). This program is aimed at people with disabilities and seniors over 65 who are unable to support themselves.

In 2023, the value of the BPC will be R$ 1,302.00. This measure is important to ensure that the most vulnerable people have access to the resources they need to live with dignity.

Social Benefits Approved by the Government in 2023

The Federal Government released the list of social benefits approved for 2023, with the aim of helping low-income families face financial difficulties.

This section will present information about social programs approved for 2023, including their requirements, application, beneficiaries and changes.

Social Programs

The main social programs approved for 2023 are Bolsa Família, Auxílio Brasil, Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC) and Vale-gás. Bolsa Família is an income transfer program aimed at families in poverty and extreme poverty.

Auxílio Brasil is the new social program that will replace Bolsa Família, with the objective of expanding the coverage and values ​​of benefits.

The BPC is a benefit for the elderly and people with disabilities who have no means of subsistence. Vale-gás is an aid for low-income families to purchase kitchen gas cylinders.


The requirements for each social program approved for 2023 vary by program. For Bolsa Família, families must have a per capita income of up to R$89.00 per month.

For Auxílio Brasil, the requirements have not yet been released, but they are expected to be more comprehensive than those for Bolsa Família.

For the BPC, the requirements are: minimum age of 65 years or proven disability, per capita family income of up to 1/4 of the minimum wage and no means of subsistence. For Vale-gás, the requirements have not yet been disclosed.


Enrollment for each social program approved for 2023 also varies by program.

For Bolsa Família and Auxílio Brasil, enrollment must be made in the Cadastro Único (CadÚnico), which is a registry of low-income families in the country.

For the BPC, registration must be made at the INSS. For Vale-gás, information about enrollment has not yet been released.


The beneficiaries of each social program approved for 2023 also vary according to the program.

For Bolsa Família, beneficiaries are families living in poverty and extreme poverty. For Auxílio Brasil, the beneficiaries are expected to be broader than those for Bolsa Família.

For the BPC, the beneficiaries are the elderly and people with disabilities who do not have means of subsistence. For Vale-gás, no information about the beneficiaries has yet been disclosed.


With the approval of the Auxílio Brasil, there will be significant changes in the social programs in terms of amounts and eligibility criteria.

In addition, the Benefit PEC approved the amount of 100% of the average value of the gas cylinder until December 2022, which means that the Gas Voucher will have a higher value than previously estimated.

Other changes to social programs may be announced throughout the year.

In summary, the social benefits approved for 2023 by the Government of Brazil are aimed at helping low-income families face financial difficulties.

Each social program has its own requirements, application and beneficiaries, and there will be significant changes with the implementation of Auxílio Brasil.

Social Benefits &# 8211; Google font

Single Registration (CadÚnico)

The Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) is a tool created by the Brazilian Federal Government to identify and characterize low-income families living in a situation of social vulnerability. It works as a database that gathers information from the vulnerable population.

CadÚnico grants access to more than 10 different social programs and benefits, including Bolsa Família, the Continuous Provision Benefit (BPC), the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec), among others. At least five assistance resources are guaranteed for CadÚnico subscribers.

To register for CadÚnico, you must go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to your home, taking the following documents: CPF, RG, birth or marriage certificate, work card, proof of residence and proof of income for all family members. It is important to remember that enrollment in CadÚnico is free.

Once enrolled in CadÚnico, it is important to keep the data up to date. Any change in the family situation, such as an increase or decrease in income, birth or death of family members, change of address, among others, must be informed to CRAS so that the Single Registry is updated and the family continues to have access to social benefits .

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/inscreva-se-facilmente-no-programa-cadunico-passo-a-passo/} texto={CADASTRO CADÚNICO} corfundo={#22557f} corletra={#fff}]

Gas Aid

Auxílio Gás is a Federal Government program created by Law No. 14,237, of November 19, 2021, to reduce the impact of the price of cooking gas on the budget of low-income families. The benefit of the Auxílio Gás program will be paid up to one per family, and the benefit amount will be R$ 100 per month.

To receive Gas Aid, the family must be registered in the Single Registry and have a monthly income of up to half a minimum wage per person. In addition, the family cannot be receiving the gas allowance paid by the state government.

In 2023, the Auxílio Gás program budget grew 31.5%, reaching BRL 3.7 billion. The increase was possible thanks to the work of the Transitional Government and the approval of the Social Programs PEC.

Since the beginning of the government, the registry review has withdrawn 267 thousand families from the Gas Aid. The measure was taken to ensure that the benefit is destined only to the families that really need it.

Vale Gás is a benefit paid by state governments, which has the same objective as Auxílio Gás. However, to receive Vale Gás, you must check the rules of the specific state program.

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/como-faco-para-receber-o-auxilio-gas/} texto={INSCREVA-SE NO AUXÍLIO GÁS} corfundo={#22557f} corletra={#fff}]

Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família is one of the main social benefits offered by the government in 2023. The program to combat hunger and extreme poverty replaces Auxílio Brasil and will benefit around 700,000 new families. Payment of the benefit will begin in June 2023, but the list of approved beneficiaries has already been released.

Bolsa Família is intended for families living in poverty or extreme poverty, with a per capita monthly income of up to R$178. The value of the benefit varies according to the number of family members and their age. Each person is entitled to a minimum of BRL 142, and for each child from 0 to 6 years old, an additional BRL 150 is paid, which started to be valid in March 2023.

In addition, Bolsa Família will have three additional benefits in 2023. They are:

  • Early Childhood Benefit: intended for children up to 36 months, with a value of R$ 60 per month;
  • Benefit for Overcoming Extreme Poverty: intended for families with a monthly per capita income of up to R$89, with a variable amount;
  • Compensatory Transition Benefit: intended for families that received benefits from Bolsa Família and Auxílio Brasil, but had a reduction in the total value of benefits with the change, with variable value.

Larger families will be able to receive more than R$1,000 from Bolsa Família in 2023. The R$600 guarantee was approved by the National Congress through the Transition PEC and published on the 2nd.

Bolsa Família is a program of Brazilian society and aims to combat poverty and social inequality in the country. It is important to emphasize that the benefit is granted on a temporary basis and conditional on the participation of families in health, education and social assistance actions.

[button link={https://cadunico.dataprev.gov.br/#/home} texto={SUBSCRIBE TO BOLSA FAMÍLIA} corfundo={#22557f} corletra={ #fff}]

My Home My Life

The Minha Casa Minha Vida program was relaunched in 2023 by the federal government with the aim of serving 2 million families by 2026. The program is aimed at residents in urban areas with a gross monthly family income of up to R$ 8 thousand and families from rural areas with annual gross income of up to BRL 84,000.

The government has set subsidy limits for the program, with the subsidy ceiling set at R$170,000 for new properties in urban areas and R$40,000 for new properties in rural areas. In addition, the federal government increased the subsidy for track 1 of the program, establishing a subsidy of up to 95%.

The program is one of the actions of the federal government to encourage civil construction and generate jobs in the sector. The initiative also aims to reduce the housing deficit in the country.

Minha Casa Minha Vida is part of the Casa Verde e Amarela program, created in 2020 by the federal government to replace Minha Casa Minha Vida. Casa Verde e Amarela aims to expand access to decent housing for the Brazilian population, especially for low-income families. The program encompasses land regularization actions, housing improvement, production of new homes and promotion of civil construction.

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/minha-casa-minha-vida-realize-o-sonho-da-casa-propria/} texto={INSCREVA-SE IN MY HOME MY LIFE} corfundo={#22557f} corletra={#fff}]




Frequently Asked Questions about Social Benefits Approved by the Government in 2023

The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about government-approved welfare benefits in 2023.

Who is entitled to Bolsa Família in 2023?

Bolsa Família is an income transfer program created by the federal government to help families in poverty and extreme poverty. In 2023, the program was once again paid for 21.9 million families. To be entitled to Bolsa Família, families must meet certain criteria, such as:

  • Have a monthly income per person of up to BRL 89.00 (extreme poverty) or BRL 178.00 (poverty);
  • Having children or adolescents up to 17 years old in the family;
  • Be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

What is the value of BPC/LOAS in 2023?

The BPC/LOAS (Benefit of Continuous Provision of the Organic Law of Social Assistance) is an assistance benefit paid by the federal government to the elderly and people with disabilities in situations of social vulnerability. In 2023, the value of the BPC/LOAS is BRL 1,302.00.

How to apply for the Brazil Aid in 2023?

Auxílio Brasil is an income transfer program created by the federal government to replace Bolsa Família. In 2023, Auxílio Brasil will be paid to 21 million families across the country. To apply for the Brazil Aid, families must meet certain criteria, such as:

  • Be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico);
  • Have a monthly income per person of up to R$ 550.00 (extreme poverty) or up to R$ 1,100.00 (poverty);
  • Having children or teenagers up to 17 years old in the family.

How do I know if I am entitled to social benefits in 2023?

To find out if you are entitled to social benefits in 2023, you need to register in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). CadÚnico is a registry that gathers information on Brazilian families living in poverty and extreme poverty. Based on this information, the federal government can identify who is entitled to social benefits, such as Bolsa Família, BPC/LOAS and Auxílio Brasil.

Learn in detail here: https://portaldatransparencia.gov.br/entenda- public-management/citizen-benefits



In summary, the Brazilian government has approved a series of social benefits for the year 2023, with the aim of helping families in vulnerable situations and promoting social inclusion. Among the approved benefits, the Bolsa Família, the Auxílio Brasil, the Continuous Provision Benefit (BPC) and the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) stand out.

Bolsa Família, which is a direct income transfer program for families in poverty and extreme poverty, will have an increase in the average amount paid monthly per family, from R$ 190.00 to R$ 250.00 . Auxílio Brasil, which will replace Bolsa Família, will vary in value according to family composition, and may reach R$ 550.00.

The BPC, in turn, is intended for the elderly and people with disabilities in extreme poverty, and will have an increase in the value of the benefit, from R$ 1,100.00 to R$ 1,302.00. The PNAE, which is a school meal program for students in the public school system, will see an increase in the per capita amount for students, from R$0.36 to R$0.40.

In addition to these benefits, the government also approved other social programs, such as the Casa Verde e Amarela Program, which aims to facilitate access to housing for low-income families, and the National Land Credit Program, which aims to promote of rural development and the reduction of poverty in the countryside, among others.

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In short, these social benefits approved by the government in 2023 represent an important advance in the fight against social inequality and poverty in the country , and should contribute to improving the quality of life of millions of Brazilians.

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