
How do I receive Gas Aid?






If you need some extra help to buy cooking gas, the Auxílio Gásor Vale Gás can be an interesting option.

This federal government program aims to help low-income families that use cooking gas.

But how to receive the Gas Aid? What are the requirements to qualify? And how to apply? How to query aid gas?

In this article, we will answer all these questions and help you understand how to guarantee this benefit.

What is the Gas Allowance?

Auxílio Gás is a benefit from the Brazilian federal government created to help families in vulnerable situations acquire cooking gas.

With the increase in the price of gas, many families have faced difficulties in meeting this cost, and this benefit appears as an alternative to soften this impact on the family budget.

Who is entitled to Gas Allowance?

Several groups are entitled to benefit. Here are the main ones:

Low-income families

Families with a per capita income of up to half a minimum wage or a total monthly income of up to three minimum wages can apply for the benefit.

Bolsa Família beneficiaries

People who are already beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program can also receive the Gas Aid, provided they meet the established income criteria.


Unemployed individuals who are within the income limits and have a Social Identification Number (NIS) are also entitled to the Benefit.


How to register for Gas Aid?

To register for Auxílio Gás, we list here the step by step below:

Single Registration

The first step is to be registered in the Cadastro Único for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). If you are not yet registered, look for the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to your residence to register.

Enroll easily in the CadÚnico Program: Step by Step

Data update

If you already have the Cadastro Único, check that your details are up to date. If there is any outdated information, look for CRAS to update your information. It is essential that your details are correct and up to date so that you can receive Vale Gás.

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Where and how to apply for Vale Gás?

There are two main ways to apply for the benefit after you have registered following the steps above. Check it out:

Caixa Econômica Federal branches

You can apply for Vale Gás directly at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch. Take your personal documents, such as RG, CPF and proof of residence, and find out about the documentation needed to prove your income.

Caixa Tem Application

Another option is to apply for Gas Aid through the Caixa Tem app, available for Android and iOS smartphones. In the app, you must enter your personal data and follow the guidelines to request the benefit.

Guarantee your Benefits now:

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