
Bolsa Família Calendar: know the payment dates in 2023






Bolsa Família Calendar. Find out the payment dates in 2023 announced annually and the receipt organized by NIS, keep an eye on your withdrawal.

The Bolsa Família is a social program of the Brazilian government that aims to help families in situations of social vulnerability and extreme poverty.

One of the main features of the program is the monthly payment of a financial benefit, which varies according to the number of family members and per capita income.

To ensure that Bolsa Família beneficiaries receive the benefit on time, the government publishes an annual payment schedule.

The calendar is organized according to the last digit of the Social Identification Number (NIS) of the benefit holder and indicates the dates on which the money will be available for withdrawal.

It is important that Bolsa Família beneficiaries pay attention to the payment schedule so as not to miss the withdrawal deadline.

If the benefit is not withdrawn within the established period, it will be returned to the government and the beneficiary will lose the right to the corresponding amount.

Therefore, it is essential that Bolsa Família beneficiary families know the payment schedule well and organize themselves to receive the benefit on time.

See information about the program and find out when you will receive the benefit

Bolsa Família is a federal government social program that aims to fight poverty and extreme poverty in the country. It is aimed at low-income families with a per capita income of up to R$ 178.00 per month.

The program offers monthly income transfers to registered families, according to the number of members and the situation of each one. Bolsa Família payments are made by Caixa Econômica Federal, through the Social Identification Number (NIS) of the beneficiary.

The payment schedule is staggered according to the end of the holder’s NIS and is published by the Ministry of Citizenship. Usually, payments are made in the last ten business days of each month.

To receive the benefit, families must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

In addition, it is necessary to keep the registration up to date and comply with certain conditions, such as keeping children of school age enrolled and regularly attending, keeping prenatal care up to date for pregnant women, among others.

Beneficiaries can withdraw money from lottery outlets, Caixa Aqui correspondents or Caixa branches, with the Bolsa Família card. It is also possible to receive the benefit for Caixa’s digital social savings, available in the Caixa Tem application, or even have the credit in your bank account.

If you have questions about the program or the payment schedule, families can seek information on the Caixa or Ministry of Citizenship service channels. It is also possible to consult the payment statement through the Auxílio Brasil application or through the Caixa website.


What is Bolsa Família?

image of the family scholarship card< p id="caption-attachment-9345" class="wp-caption-text">Stay tuned for Bolsa Familia 2023 Calendar – Photo: Google Images

Bolsa Família is a social program of the Brazilian federal government that offers financial assistance to families living in poverty and extreme poverty.

The program was created in 2003 with the aim of combating hunger and extreme poverty in the country, and since then it has been an important tool for social inclusion.

Bolsa Família is aimed at families with a monthly income of up to R$89.00 per person, and is made up of several types of benefits, such as the basic, variable, and the benefit for overcoming extreme poverty. The amount of the benefit varies according to family composition and per capita income.

To receive Bolsa Família, families need to be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government and meet certain conditions, such as keeping children in school and ensuring attendance at medical consultations and vaccinations.

Since its creation, Bolsa Família has been an important tool in the fight against poverty and social inequality in Brazil, and has already benefited millions of families across the country.


Guarantee your Benefits now:

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Who can apply for this benefit?

Bolsa Família is a social program created by the federal government to help families in poverty and extreme poverty. To qualify for the benefit, the family must meet certain criteria, such as:

  • Have a per capita income of up to R$ 178.00 per month;
  • Having in its composition pregnant women, nursing mothers (breastfeeding mothers), children and adolescents up to 17 years old;
  • Be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

In addition, the program gives priority to families with children up to 6 years old, as this is a crucial period for child development.

Families that meet these criteria can apply for the benefit directly at Caixa Econômica Federal agencies or at city halls.

It is important to remember that Bolsa Família is a temporary benefit and that families must update their information in CadÚnico every two years to continue receiving the benefit.

In summary, Bolsa Família is intended for families in poverty and extreme poverty, with a per capita income of up to R$ 178.00 per month and who have pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and adolescents up to 17 years. Families that meet these criteria can apply for the benefit at Caixa Econômica Federal branches or at city halls.

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How much does the government pay for Bolsa Família?

Bolsa Família is a federal government social program that offers financial assistance to families in poverty and extreme poverty. The value of the benefit varies according to the socioeconomic profile of each family.

The average value of Bolsa Família in 2023 is R$ 300.00, but it can vary from R$ 41.00 to R$ 372.00, depending on the family composition, per capita income and the existence of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and adolescents in the family.

Bolsa Família also offers other types of benefits, such as Bolsa Verde, for families living in areas of environmental reserves, and Bolsa Família Jovem, for young people aged between 16 and 22 who are enrolled in school.


To receive Bolsa Família, families must be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) and meet the eligibility criteria established by the federal government.


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Bolsa Família is an important tool in the fight against poverty and social inequality in Brazil. Since its creation in 2003, the program has already benefited more than 14 million families across the country.

Bolsa Família calendar: when is the payment?

Bolsa Família is a social program of the Brazilian government that aims to help families in poverty and extreme poverty. The Bolsa Família payment schedule for 2023 has already been released by the Ministry of Citizenship.

Payments are made according to the last digit of the Social Identification Number (NIS) of the benefit holder and occur during the last ten working days of each month.

In the month of December, all payments are made by the 22nd. For example, if the holder’s NIS ends with the number ‘1’, payments begin on the 18th of January.


The payment schedule is staggered to avoid crowds at Caixa Econômica Federal branches, responsible for operating the program.

Beneficiaries can receive payment from Bolsa Família in two ways: through digital social savings or bank account credit.

In addition, withdrawals can be made at lottery shops or at Caixa Econômica Federal ATMs. To access Bolsa Família, it is necessary to be enrolled in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and have a per capita income of up to R$ 89.00 per month. The program also offers additional benefits for pregnant women, children and adolescents in vulnerable situations.

Beneficiaries can check the payment schedule and payment statement through the Auxílio Brasil application or through the Caixa Econômica Federal service channels. If you have any questions, you can contact Caixa through the service channels available.

How to apply for Bolsa Família?

To apply for the benefit, it is necessary to be part of the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, which is a registry that gathers information on Brazilian families in a situation of social vulnerability.

To register, you must go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to your home, taking with you the personal documents of all family members, such as RG, CPF, birth certificate and proof of residence.

In addition, it is necessary to present proof of income, such as a work card, paycheck and income tax declaration, so that the per capita income of the family can be calculated.

After registration, the family will be evaluated by the Ministry of Citizenship, which will verify if it fits the eligibility criteria for Bolsa Família.

If approved, the family will receive a magnetic card to withdraw the benefit at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch.

It is important to point out that Bolsa Família beneficiary families must fulfill certain obligations, such as keeping children and adolescents in school and taking pregnant women for regular prenatal care. Failure to comply with these obligations may result in the suspension or cancellation of the benefit.

How to verify the payment of the benefit?

Bolsa Família beneficiaries can verify the payment of the benefit in several ways.

One of them is through the payment statement, which can be accessed through the Caixa Tem application or through the Caixa Econômica Federal website. The statement shows the amount of the benefit, the date of payment and the holder’s NIS.

Another way to verify the payment is through the Social Identification Number (NIS). The NIS is a unique identification number assigned to each Bolsa Família beneficiary.

The payment schedule is organized according to the last digit of the NIS, and the payment is made in the last ten working days of each month.

In addition, beneficiaries can obtain information about Bolsa Família and the payment of the benefit through the Caixa Econômica Federal service channels, such as the telephone number 0800 726 0207, the program’s official website, or directly at Caixa branches .

In summary, Bolsa Família beneficiaries can verify the payment of the benefit through the payment statement, the Social Identification Number (NIS) and the Caixa Econômica Federal service channels.

How to withdraw the Bolsa Família amount?

Bolsa Família beneficiaries can withdraw the benefit amount in several ways.

The first option is through the program card, which can be used at Caixa Econômica Federal ATMs and at lottery shops. In addition, it is possible to withdraw the benefit in cash at Caixa branches, presenting an identification document with a photo.

Another option is digital social savings, which is a free account opened by Caixa for Bolsa Família beneficiaries. With this account, it is possible to make transfers, payments and withdrawals using the Caixa Tem application.

Beneficiaries who have a bank account can opt for bank account credit, which is a more practical and safer option. For this, it is necessary to inform the number of the account and the bank branch when registering for Bolsa Família.

If the beneficiary has questions about how to withdraw the Bolsa Família amount, it is possible to obtain information and guidance at Caixa branches or by calling the program’s service telephone.

It is important to remember that the Bolsa Família payment is made from the 18th of each month and is available for withdrawal for 90 days.

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