
How to apply for gas aid: everything you need to know






Guarantee access to gas assistance and learn how to request it!

If you’re looking for information on how to get this essential benefit, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to receive the gas allowance and ensure that your family has access to this very important resource.

Find out who is entitled, how the value is calculated, the duration of the program and how to make the request simply and quickly.

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this program that has benefited millions of Brazilians.

Understand what Gas Aid is

Gas aid is a benefit created by the federal government to help low-income families have access to cooking gas. The value of the benefit is an average of R$ 100 per month and can be used to purchase gas cylinders.

Who is entitled to the Gas Allowance?

To be entitled to the benefit, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a per capita income of up to half a minimum wage;
  • Be enrolled in the Cadastro Único for Social Programs (CadÚnico);
  • Do not receive social security, assistance or labor benefits, with the exception of Bolsa Família.

How the calculation is done

To determine the value of the benefit, Caixa Econômica Federal resorts to statistics released by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) on the tenth working day of each month.

Average prices for the previous six months for a 13-kilogram liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder are taken into account. Which means that every two months, the benefit amount may change.

How long does the Gas Allowance last

The program will run for five years and, by the end of 2026, will benefit 5.6 million families. With the payment of half the average price of each 13 kg gas cylinder every two months.

The amount budgeted for Gas Aid, initially R$ 1.9 billion, was increased to R$ 2.95 billion, thanks to a constitutional amendment.

To enroll in the auxílio gas cadastre program, you must be in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).

And yet have at least one member of the family who receives the Benefit of Continued Benefit (BPC). The legislation that created the program gives preference to women who assume responsibility for the family and those who are victims of domestic violence.

Guarantee your Benefits now:

 [button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/bolsa-familia-aumentou-saiba-o-valor-do-seu-beneficio-agora/} texto={BOLSA FAMÍLIA INCREASE } corfundo={#22557f} corletra={#fff}] 

 [button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/bolsa-familia-calendario-saiba-as-datas-de-pagamento-em-2023/} texto={CALENDAR BOLSA FAMÍLIA } corfundo={#22557f} corletra={#fff}] 

[button link={https://informe-se.com/beneficios/auxilio-alimentacao-cadastre-se-para-receber/} texto={REGISTER FOOD AID} corfundo={ #22557f} corletra={#fff}]



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How to apply for the benefit?

The request can be made in two ways: online or in person.

On the internet

To apply online, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the website https://auxilio.caixa.gov.br/ and click on “Make your request”;
  2. Enter your personal data and click “Send”;
  3. Select the option “Gas Aid”;
  4. Enter your family details and click “Send”;
  5. Wait for the analysis of your request.

If your request is approved, the benefit will be deposited in the bank account registered with CadÚnico.


In person

To apply for the benefit in person, follow these steps:

  1. Go to one of the service points of the Single Registry (CRAS or CREAS) or the socio-assistance network of your municipality;
  2. Submit your personal documents and those of the rest of the family;
  3. Inform that you want to apply for gas assistance;
  4. Wait for the analysis of your request.

If your request is approved, the benefit will be deposited in the bank account registered with CadÚnico.

How to pay Gas Aid

The benefit can be purchased using the same cards and passwords as the Auxílio Brasil. It is possible to withdraw the benefit at lottery outlets, self-service terminals and Caixa Aqui bank correspondents.

In addition, payment can be made directly into digital savings accounts, created for the 2020 Emergency Aid, with access to the Caixa Tem application.

Finally, the beneficiary needs to pay attention to the gas consultation aid. Because the deadline is short: it is necessary to withdraw the Gas Aid within 120 days after payment, or the money will be returned to the government account.

Therefore, if there are doubts about the status of the benefit, it is possible to check the Caixa Tem and Auxílio Brasil applications. In addition to calling Caixa’s call center at number 111. To clarify questions about registration or payment, just call the Ministry of Citizenship at telephone number 121.

Read other articles on the same topic:

How to use the gas aid?

The gas allowance can be used to purchase kitchen gas cylinders at any establishment that sells this product. It is important to remember that the benefit cannot be used to purchase other types of fuel, such as natural gas.

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Final Considerations

The gas allowance is an important benefit for low-income families, who often have difficulties in ensuring access to cooking gas. If you meet the requirements to receive this benefit, be sure to apply. We hope this article has been helpful in clearing up all your doubts about the gas aid.

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