
Bolsa Família 2023: New changes and updates in the social program






The Bolsa Família 2023, a social program created in 2003, will once again be the main form of income transfer for vulnerable families in Brazil in 2023.

The program, which had been replaced by Auxílio Brasil in 2021, will have a new format and new grant rules.

The objective of Bolsa Família is to reduce poverty and social inequality in the country, guaranteeing the access of the poorest families to a minimum income to meet their basic needs.

The program is aimed at families with a per capita income of up to R$89 per month and who live in extreme poverty or poverty.

In 2023, Bolsa Família will have installments that can reach R$900, depending on the family profile and the number of children and adolescents aged between 0 and 17 years.

The payment schedule is already defined and will be paid every month in the last ten business days, following the order of the final number of the NIS (Social Identification Number).

History of Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família is a Brazilian social program that aims to combat poverty and social inequality. Created in 2003, during the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the program aims to guarantee the right to food and education for families in situations of social vulnerability.

Bolsa Família is an income transfer program, which consists of a monetary benefit granted to families living in poverty and extreme poverty. The value of the benefit varies according to the family composition and per capita income of each family.

Since its creation, Bolsa Família has benefited millions of families across the country. The program has become one of the main public policies to fight poverty in Brazil, being recognized internationally as a reference in the area.

Over the years, Bolsa Família has undergone several changes and improvements. In 2023, the program was renamed Bolsa Família, after being replaced by Auxílio Brasil for a short period of time.

With the return of Bolsa Família, the program now has new rules and benefits, such as the Early Childhood Benefit, which guarantees an additional R$ 150 to each child between 0 and 6 years old in the family composition.


How Bolsa Família Works

cartão Bolsa Família

Learn how to apply for Bolsa Família – Source Bolsa Familia

Bolsa Família is a social program of the Brazilian government that aims to help families in poverty and extreme poverty. The benefit is paid monthly and works as a direct income transfer to families registered in the program.

To receive Bolsa Família, the family must be registered in the Cadastro Único for Social Programs of the Federal Government and have a monthly income per person of up to R$89.00.

In addition, the family must have children or adolescents up to 17 years of age. The amount of the benefit varies according to the family’s income and the number of children and adolescents in its composition.

In 2023, the initial value of Bolsa Família will be BRL 600.00, with an additional BRL 150.00 per child or adolescent up to six years old.

The payment of Bolsa Família is made through the Social Identification Number (NIS), which is provided by the government to families registered in the program.

The benefit can be withdrawn at any branch of Caixa Econômica Federal, using the Bolsa Família Card. It is important to highlight that the value of Bolsa Família is readjusted annually according to inflation.

In 2023, the readjustment will be 6.20%, which means that the value of the benefit will be corrected according to the variation of the National Consumer Price Index (INPC).

Bolsa Família is managed by the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger, which is responsible for establishing the rules and guidelines of the program.

The objective of Bolsa Família is to provide the most vulnerable families in the country with financial assistance so that they can overcome poverty and have access to basic living conditions.


Guarantee your Benefits now:

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New Program Rules

Bolsa Família is a social program created by the federal government that aims to provide financial assistance to families in extreme poverty or poverty.

In 2023, the program underwent some changes in its rules, which aim to increase the number of beneficiaries and improve the effectiveness of the program. One of the main changes was the creation of Auxílio Brasil, which replaces Bolsa Família.

The minimum value of the benefit was set at R$ 300.00, which could reach R$ 600.00 per family. In addition, an additional R$ 150.00 was created for each child under seven years of age, called the Early Childhood Benefit.

To be eligible for the Brazil Aid, families must be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government and meet the income criteria established by the program.

The maximum amount of per capita income to participate in the program is BRL 550.00 for families in poverty and BRL 275.00 for families in extreme poverty.

Families also need to meet certain conditions to receive the benefit, such as keeping children and adolescents in school and with their vaccination records up to date, in addition to not allowing child labor. The program also provides for periodic review of household eligibility.

Another important change was the creation of the Citizenship Income Benefit, which is a supplementary benefit to the Auxílio Brasil aimed at families that have not yet reached the minimum income established by the program.

The value of the benefit varies and can reach up to R$ 200.00 per family. To ensure the effectiveness of the program, inspection and control mechanisms were created, such as public consultation of the Citizen’s Benefits System and the creation of citizen service channels for complaints and assistance.

These changes to Bolsa Família represent an important investment by the federal government in fighting hunger and promoting social development in the country.

With the new rules, it is expected that a greater number of families will benefit from the program and that the individual income of families affected by poverty will be high, contributing to the reduction of social inequality in Brazil.


Impact of Bolsa Família

Bolsa Família is an income transfer program that aims to combat hunger and poverty in Brazil. In 2023, the program underwent significant changes, including an increase in the benefit amount and the implementation of new rules.

The average value of Bolsa Família in 2023 will initially be R$600, the same value as the former Auxílio Brasil. In addition, an additional R$ 150 per child up to six years old will be implemented.

This surcharge will be paid from January 2023 and will be limited to two children per family. Pregnant women and nursing mothers will also receive a family variable benefit in the amount of R$100 from the moment of pregnancy until the sixth month after delivery.

In addition, the program will also include a variable benefit for families in extreme poverty that have teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17. Bolsa Família in 2023 will have a significant impact on the government budget.

However, the Minister of Development and Social Assistance claims that the impact will be less than the BRL 175 billion initially forecast. Caixa Econômica Federal will be responsible for managing the program, and beneficiaries will receive the benefit amount through a card with their CPF.

The goal of Bolsa Família in 2023 is to continue fighting hunger and poverty in Brazil. The program is an important social inclusion tool and has a positive impact on the lives of millions of families across the country.

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Bolsa Família Value 2023

Bolsa Família is a social program that provides financial assistance to families in extreme poverty and food insecurity.

In 2023, the program was once again called Bolsa Família and is being maintained with some changes compared to the previous year. The value of Bolsa Família in 2023 is R$ 600.00 per family.

This minimum amount is paid to all families that meet the program’s eligibility criteria.

In addition, there is an additional R$ 150.00 per child up to 6 years old, which began to be paid from March 2023. It is important to note that the Bolsa Família amount may vary according to the composition family and per capita income.

For this reason, it is essential that families keep their data updated in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government.

It is worth remembering that Bolsa Família is a temporary program, which aims to help families in situations of social vulnerability to overcome poverty and food insecurity.

Therefore, it is essential that beneficiary families seek alternatives to improve their financial situation and guarantee their autonomy.


Who receives Bolsa Família today?

The program offers a monthly financial benefit that varies according to family composition and per capita income.

Today, Monday, July 10, 2023, Bolsa Família is being paid to beneficiaries with final NIS 0.

It is important to remember that the Bolsa Família payment schedule is released by the federal government at the beginning of each year and follows a schedule that takes into account the final number of the beneficiary’s NIS (Social Identification Number).

Benefit amounts vary according to family composition and per capita income. In January 2023, for example, the average benefit amount was BRL 614.21, and the minimum amount was BRL 600.

In addition, the federal government implemented an additional R$ 150 for each child from zero to six years of age registered in the program.

To find out if you are entitled to Bolsa Família and the value of the benefit, you need to consult it through the Caixa Tem application, available for download on the App Store and Google Play, or go to a Caixa Econômica Federal branch with the NIS in hand.

It is important that the registration information is updated to avoid problems in receiving the benefit.

How can a family receive Bolsa Família benefits?

To receive Bolsa Família benefits, the family must enroll in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government.


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This register is the gateway to government social programs, including Bolsa Família. After registering, the family must wait for the analysis of the data by the Ministry of Citizenship.

If the family meets the criteria established by the program, it will be included in the Bolsa Família and will receive a withdrawal card to withdraw the benefit at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch or at a Caixa Aqui correspondent.

It is important to remember that the family must meet certain requirements to receive Bolsa Família. Among them are:

  • Have a monthly income of up to BRL 218.00 per person;
  • Having pregnant women, nursing mothers (breastfeeding mothers), children and adolescents up to 17 years old in the family;
  • Being in poverty or extreme poverty.

In addition, it is necessary to keep the registration updated, informing any changes in family composition or monthly income. Otherwise, the family may have the benefit suspended or cancelled.

Bolsa Família is an important program to help families in situations of social vulnerability. If you meet the program’s criteria, be sure to enroll in the Single Registry and wait for the Ministry of Citizenship to analyze the data.

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