
Learn how to apply for Bolsa Família 2023






If you are looking for information on how to apply for Bolsa Família, you are in the right place.

We are here to help you with this important process for anyone who needs government financial support to take care of their family.

The Bolsa Família is a Federal Government program that aims to help families in poverty and extreme poverty. It offers a monthly benefit to help support the family and educate the children.

In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to apply for Bolsa Família and what the necessary requirements are to be eligible for the program.

Who can apply for Bolsa Família?

To apply for the Bolsa Família program, it is necessary to meet certain requirements established by the government. However, the rules are similar to the Auxílio Brasil benefit, which replaced the old program.

Families in a situation of extreme poverty must have a per capita monthly income of up to R$105.00, while families in a situation of poverty must have a monthly per capita income between R$105.01 and R$210, 00.

You must be selected by the Ministry of Citizenship and be registered in CadÚnico.

The last requirement is essential to guarantee the right to the Bolsa Família program. CadÚnico brings together all the information on families in extreme poverty, helping with the distribution and approval of the benefit.

In this way, the government can understand the reality of low-income families.

In addition, the Cadastro Único also assists in other social benefits, using data from the population living in a situation of social vulnerability.

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How to apply for Bolsa Família?

cartão Bolsa Família

Learn how to apply for Bolsa Família – Source Bolsa Familia

The Bolsa Família application process is simple and can be done at any of the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) in your municipality. Just take the following documents:

  • Identification document, such as RG or CPF
  • Proof of residence
  • Vaccination card for children up to 7 years old
  • Proof of enrollment and school attendance for children and adolescents aged 6 to 17
  • Proof of income, such as a paycheck or work permit

Upon arriving at CRAS, you will be assisted by a social worker who will assess your situation and verify that you meet the necessary requirements to be eligible for Bolsa Família. If so, registration will be made in the Cadastro Único for Social Programs of the Federal Government.

After registration, it is necessary to wait for the analysis of the data by the Federal Government. If approved, you will receive a magnetic card to receive the monthly benefit.



Guarantee your Benefits now:

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How will I receive my Benefit?

The procedure to receive the New Bolsa Família will be similar to the Old Auxílio Brasil, therefore, the payment methods will remain unchanged. When the benefit is available, you can receive it through the following options:

  • CAIXA digital social savings;
  • CAIXA Fácil savings;
  • Withdrawals at CAIXA ATMs;
  • Lottery withdrawals with the program card;
  • CAIXA branches.

But how to get the benefit card? Once your family is enrolled in the program, a card will be automatically generated and sent to your home.

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Final Considerations

Applying for Bolsa Família is a simple and important process for those who need financial support to take care of their family. Must meet income requirements and have children or teenagers in the family.

With the necessary documents in hand, just look for a CRAS and register in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government.

We hope that this article has been useful to you and that it has clarified your doubts about how to apply for Bolsa Família. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to enter contact us or look for a CRAS near you.

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