
Chicken Escondidinho In Airfryer






Who else here loves a practical, quick and above all nutritious recipe? So stick around, because this recipe for Escondidinho de Frango Na Airfryer is guaranteed success for you and your whole family!

So let’s go, to the ingredients:

Ingredients for Airfryer Chicken Escondidinho

•Extra virgin olive oil

•½ (half) onion

•1 (one) clove of garlic

•1 (one) tomato

•1(one) shredded chicken breast

•1 (one) tablespoon of light curd

•½ (half) box of light cream

•½ (half) cup of olives

•Salt to taste

•Black pepper to taste

•Chopped green parsley

•2 (two) large potatoes (smooth or sweet)

•1 (one) tablespoon of butter

•½ (half) cup of zero lactose milk

•100 (one hundred) grams of mozzarella

•Oregano to taste to finish

How to prepare Escondidinho de Frango In Airfryer

  • Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a pan and then sauté the onion, add the garlic and tomato.
  • Add the shredded chicken and sauté.
  • Add the cream cheese, cream, olives, green smell and season with salt and pepper to taste. Book it.
  • Meanwhile, cook the potatoes and mash them to make a puree. Then add the butter, milk, season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • In conclusion, place the chicken on a platter, slices of cheese and cover with the puree.
  • Finish with more cheese and oregano.
  • Take it to the preheated airfryer at 180°C for 25 minutes.

And voila! As a result, an amazing smell will spread throughout the house!

This recipe is perfect for lunch or dinner. And the most important thing is that it won’t make you quit the diet. Because it is rich in nutrients, it also adds a lot of practicality to your day-to-day life, as it can serve as a single dish. Accompanied only by a salad. It’s delicious. Bon Appetit!

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