
Pools: Know everything before you build






The construction of swimming pools is a process that involves several steps, from choosing the appropriate location, through design and planning, to the construction itself.

The first step is to choose the location where the pool will be built. It is important to consider available space, accessibility, and access to sunlight. In addition, you need to check for any legal restrictions or local regulations that may affect construction.

Once you’ve chosen the location, it’s time to come up with a project and do some detailed planning. This includes choosing the shape and size of the pool, defining the necessary equipment and accessories, and planning drainage and water disposal. It is important to hire a specialized engineer or architect to help with this process.

The next step is the excavation of the area where the swimming pool will be built. This can be done manually or with special machines, depending on the size and complexity of the pool. After that, the coating is placed, which can be made of various materials, such as vinyl, fiberglass or tile.

The water filtration and heating system is then installed. This includes pumps, filters, heaters and other equipment needed to keep the water clean and warm.

Finally, lighting, stairs, and other accessories are installed. After that, the pool is ready to be used.

It is important to remember that building a swimming pool is a complex process that requires specialized labor. It is recommended to hire a specialist company to ensure that the pool is built safely and in accordance with local standards and regulations. Below we will detail the main types of pools used today and their advantages and disadvantages.

Fiber Pools

There are several advantages and disadvantages to building a fiber pool. Some of the main advantages include:

  • Price: Fiberglass pools are generally less expensive than those built with other materials, such as vinyl or tile.
  • Format flexibility: Fiberglass pools can be built in various formats, from rectangular to more complex shapes.
  • Durability: Fiberglass pools are tough and durable, and generally have a lifespan of around 15 to 20 years.
  • Easy to install: Fiberglass pools generally have a very quick installation time.

Some disadvantages include:

  • Less finishing options: Fiberglass pools generally do not have as many finishing options as those built with other materials.
  • Less resistant: Fiberglass pools are less resistant to impacts and scratches compared to other types of pools
  • Less customization options: Fiberglass pools generally don’t have as many customization options as those built with other materials.
  • Early fading: With this type of pool, the material usually fades and loses its color due to treatment and sunlight. Often this occurs over a period of 2 to 3 years.

Vinyl pools

There are several advantages and disadvantages to building a vinyl pool. Some of the main advantages include:

  • Price: Vinyl pools are generally less expensive than those built with other materials, such as tile.
  • Format flexibility: Vinyl pools can be built in various shapes, from rectangular to more complex shapes.
  • Easy to Replace: The finish on these pools is easy to replace when needed.
  • Customization Options: Vinyl pools offer more customization options with regards to design and finish.

Some disadvantages include:

  • More Susceptible to Puncture: Vinyl is more susceptible to puncture material than other types of pools
  • Material fading: Although it takes longer to fade than fiber, vinyl also loses its color over the years (7 to 8 years on average).
  • Installation problems: If the installation is not performed properly, some problems may arise such as the formation of creases in the vinyl.

Tiled pools

There are several advantages and disadvantages to building a tile pool. Some of the main advantages include:

  • High Quality Finish: Tile pools offer a high quality finish, and are ideal for those looking for a more elegant and sophisticated look.
  • Durability: Tile pools are highly resistant and durable, and generally have a lifespan of around 20 to 30 years.
  • Wide Variety of Options: Tile pools offer a wide variety of options for colors, designs, and finish styles.
  • Greater appreciation of the property: Due to its sophistication and durability, this type of pool usually increases the value of the property.

Some disadvantages include:

  • Price: Tile pools are generally more expensive than those constructed with other materials, such as vinyl or fiberglass.
  • Troublesome to repair: If there is any problem or scratch on the tiled pool, it is more laborious to repair compared to other types of pools
  • More laborious installation: The installation of tile pools is more laborious compared to other types of pools, and it is recommended to hire specialized professionals


Building a swimming pool is an exciting project, but it also requires careful planning and consideration. There are several types of swimming pools available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In general, it’s important to consider your budget, your lifestyle, your needs and your topography to choose the type of pool that best suits you. It is important to work with qualified professionals to ensure that the pool is built correctly and is safe and durable. Did you like this content? We hope we helped. We have much more content on our portal, check it out!

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