
How to grow rosemary in an apartment: See the best tips






Do you know how to grow rosemary in an apartment? Growing some types of plants, whether medicinal or culinary, is a hobby that is becoming more and more popular. However, have you ever wondered if it is possible to exercise this hobby by living in a place with a small internal space?

Of course it is possible. And that is precisely what we will prove to you in this article, as we will explain how to grow rosemary in an apartment.

Even if this plant is not so well known, in the course of this article you will understand how growing this type of plant can be an excellent hobby. So, if you’ve always dreamed of having your own vegetable garden, but were thinking of abandoning that goal because of the size of your home. So, know that your troubles are over.

For you will notice how the cultivation process is much simpler than you can imagine, and different from what many imagine. Planting something at home does not require such a large space, quite the contrary, the vast majority of plants can be grown in small spaces. However, few people have this in mind, which leads to many people not creating the habit of setting up vegetable gardens in their apartments.

How to grow rosemary in an apartment

However, although it is possible, it is clear that it will be necessary to make some changes in the way you will carry out the planting. Therefore, if you live in an apartment and are already tired of trying to grow something without success, then come check out how to grow rosemary in an apartment. Therefore, carefully selecting the type of plant you will grow is essential.

The most suitable plants for such planting are those that do not require a lot of space, a lot of sun and, if possible, that do not require as much water. And the reason for this is extremely simple, because it is an apartment, often the only sunlight that the plant will have access to will be that which enters through the window or from a small balcony. Therefore, a plant that does not need a lot of sun to develop will be perfect for this situation.

As for space, apartments usually have very small spaces, so larger plants can end up filling the place in a way that is not harmonious. Remember that larger plants are best suited for large houses that need to be filled with something. Smaller plants, which fit in  small vases on top of countertops, tables or furniture are perfect for apartments, as far as water is concerned.

Amount of water needed

Now, we will finally start to explain how to grow rosemary in an apartment, and the first topic we will deal with is the water needed to grow the plant. Rosemary is an aromatic plant belonging to the Magnoliopsida class. And that means that such plants don’t need to receive as much care and also don’t need as much water to grow properly.

Remembering that needing little water is completely not needing water at all, so if possible create an alarm clock that reminds you every 2 days to water the plant. However, the ideal is that the earth is not extremely wet and not extremely dry. It is also very important that the vase used to plant the rosemary allows the water not to accumulate so much, circulation must be free.

How much sun should rosemary get

With regard to the amount of sun that this plant needs, as already mentioned, normally the amount of sun that a plant can have access to in an apartment is usually well summarized. However, for rosemary this is not exactly a problem. And that’s because rosemary only needs 3 hours of sun a day, so basically you can leave it by the window without any problem.

So, if your balcony doesn’t have much space, or if the only sunlight that enters your apartment lasts a short time, then know that for rosemary this will not be a problem. Making it a very suitable plant for this type of environment.

Correct fertilization

The last element you will need to take into account when growing this plant is the type of fertilizer you will use. If you’ve ever planted something in your life, then you know how the type of fertilizer makes a total difference when planting. Therefore, take the time to research what types of fertilizers exist and which ones are best suited for rosemary.

If you’re having trouble finding this kind of information on the internet, then don’t give up hope, because all you’ll need to do is head to a good garden supply store. There, local professionals will be able to help you find the perfect fertilizer for what you want to grow.

Benefits of growing rosemary

The first benefit of planting rosemary is linked to its smell, after all this plant is an aromatic plant, so of course its most striking feature would be precisely its smell. Therefore, if you like living in a fragrant environment, be sure to stop by a gardening store and buy some seeds, I guarantee you won’t regret it.

The second benefit of growing rosemary is decoration, because in addition to being a very fragrant plant, rosemary is also a great plant to decorate your home. After all, this plant not only has a great aroma, but is also a great plant to have in a vase next to your bed. Which makes it a great addition to environments that need a little more life.

The third benefit of growing rosemary involves recipes, if you like to cook then you know how much difference a bay leaf, a sprig of basil or a little cilantro makes in the recipe. And rosemary also fulfills the culinary purpose very well, both as a main ingredient and as a complement to a dish.

For example, using rosemary you can make a delicious tea, after all there is nothing better than having a hot tea in the afternoon while reading a good book. Or you can also use this plant to decorate a dish, or even to give a special touch to a soup, the possibilities are endless.


We hope you enjoyed reading this, be sure to like it and forward it to friends who also appreciate this and other content here on the blog. We also leave here, an article about other best plants for apartments and how to grow them. See you next time!

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