
CNH Social: Applications open for the free driver's license program






The CNH Social is a program that aims to give access to the National Driver’s License (CNH) to people with monthly family income of up to two minimum wages (R$ 2,036 ,00).

Find out now how to participate in the program and earn your CNH for free!

CNH Social offers a unique opportunity for those who wish to obtain the National Driver’s License for free .

With enrollment currently open, the program seeks to serve low-income people, with a monthly family income of up to two minimum wages. CNH Social in São Paulo and the Federal District offers free access to driving.

But there’s more! CNH Social goes further and offers incredible benefits to participants. Imagine getting rid of CNH issuing fees and exams.

That’s right, total or partial exemption from these fees! In addition, you can issue and renew your license at no additional cost. And there’s more: free theoretical and practical courses to improve your traffic awareness.

And how can you participate? It’s simple! Fill out the electronic registration form and follow the requirements: be over 18 years old, be approved in the qualification process and be biologically able to practice the profession of driver.

Be careful, each category of CNH has specific criteria.

Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Go to your state’s DMV official website now for more information on applications and requirements.

With CNH Social, you can open new paths and conquer your freedom in traffic at no cost. Don’t waste time, this is your chance!

Who can participate in the social CNH benefit: Find out if you qualify for this amazing opportunity!

Foto da cnh_Social

Registration for CNH Social is open, find out how to register for the Detran – Adapted Google Font


The Free CNH benefit is intended for Brazilian citizens who meet the following requirements:

  • Are over 18 years old
  • Be approved in the qualification process and
  • Being biologically fit to exercise the profession.


In addition, to be entitled to the benefit, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

1. Being a member of a low-income family, with a per capita income of less than half the minimum wage.

2. Students regularly enrolled in educational institutions of any level.

3. Family members registered in the Bolsa Família Program or equivalent social programs in other states.

4. Persons with disabilities, victims of violence and refugees/asylum seekers.

5. Those who participate in digital inclusion programs and/or other government education programs.

6. People with special needs and people with highly complex diseases.

7. Athletes defined in Law nº 10.639/2003, in addition to technical directors, technicians and other sports professionals.

8. Agricultural professionals, understood as workers who work in food production in family farming.

9. Duly accredited and regularized micro-entrepreneurs.

10. Duly registered liberal professionals.

Applicants must meet specific requirements, which vary according to the category of the intended CNH. In addition, the request for the benefit must be made with the agency responsible for the qualification process in your state.

Guarantee your Benefits:

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