
Understanding Feng Shui: The Art of Harmonizing Your Home and Your Life






One of the main concerns of most people when decorating their home or their environment is to bring harmony to it. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that seeks to balance the energy of an environment, bringing more harmony, well-being and prosperity to the people who live in it. While it’s commonly associated with interior design, it’s much more than that: it’s a philosophy of life that touches on everything from furniture placement to color and shape choices.

If you are looking to bring more balance into your home and your life, Feng Shui can be an excellent option. In this article, we’ll explore its basic principles and give you tips on how to apply them in your home. Let’s go…

What is Feng Shui and what is it for?

Feng Shui is an ancient art that was developed in China thousands of years ago. The word “Feng” means wind and “Shui” means water, and tradition teaches that the harmony between these two elements is fundamental to attract good luck, health and prosperity to an environment.

By applying the principles, you can balance the energy in your home, bringing more harmony, removing points of stress and tension, which can have a positive impact on your life and your emotional and physical health.

Feng Shui Basics

  • Balance between wind and water: As mentioned, the harmony between these two elements is fundamental to Feng Shui. It is important that there is good air circulation and that wet areas (bathrooms, kitchens) are properly protected.
  • Alignment with nature: He values ​​the connection with nature, so it is important to have plants, water sources or other natural elements at home.
  • Furniture layout: the furniture must be arranged strategically, so that energy circulates freely throughout the environment.
  • Colors and shapes: Colors and shapes also play an important role in Feng Shui. Light colors and soft shapes are recommended to bring peace and tranquility, while vibrant colors and aggressive shapes can create a stressful atmosphere.
  • Symbolic elements: each element in Feng Shui is associated with a certain energy and can be used to attract positive things into your life, such as love, health, wealth and luck. Some examples of symbolic elements include dragons (protection), birds (freedom), flowers (beauty) and crystals (clarity).

How to Feng Shui Your Home

  1. Identify your bagua: The feng shui bagua is a schematic representation of your home, which is divided into nine areas, each related to an area of ​​your life (for example, career, relationships, health). To apply Feng Shui, you need to identify your bagua and understand how each area relates to your life. It can be applied both to the floor plan of the entire house and to the floor plan of each room.
  2. Balance the entryway: The entryway is the first thing people see when they enter your home, and it’s important that it’s uncluttered and balanced. Make sure there is enough space for people to get in and out easily and that there are no obstacles in the way.
  3. Create a welcoming environment: Feng Shui values ​​comfort and welcome, so it is important to have comfortable furniture that invites people to sit down. In addition, you can add pillows, blankets and other elements to make the environment more welcoming.
  4. Add plants and natural elements: as mentioned, this ancient art values ​​the connection with nature, so it is important to have plants and other natural elements at home. In addition, plants help purify the air and bring life to the environment.
  5. Choose the right colors and shapes: Colors and shapes play an important role in Feng Shui, so it’s important to choose them carefully. Light colors and soft shapes are recommended to bring peace and tranquility, while vibrant colors and aggressive shapes can create a stressful atmosphere.

Utilizing the Feng Shui Bagua

Feng Shui Bagua - Reproduction Google Images
Feng Shui Bagua – Reproduction Google Images

To apply Feng Shui in the house, it is necessary to understand the Bagua, which is a diagram representing the eight cardinal points and the center, used as a basis for the application of this technique. To do so, we must use the plan of the house and then draw the Bagua over the entire perimeter. With the identification and positioning of the Bagua faces in the environment, it is possible to create a decorated and properly balanced environment to enhance each aspect of the person’s life, according to the directions.

In this sense, to apply it in decoration, it is important to understand how objects affect the flow of energy in environments, either positively or negatively. In addition, this technique values ​​minimalism and believes that the excess of objects impairs the energy balance. The accumulation of things impedes the free flow of energy, and when the blockage occurs, life also becomes stagnant. To enjoy the benefits of Feng Shui in decoration, it is essential to maintain order and avoid dirt. Also, getting rid of unused items and repairing those that are damaged are actions that help attract good energy and maintain balance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is Feng Shui a religion? No, Feng Shui is not a religion. It is an ancient art that seeks to balance the energy of an environment, bringing more harmony and well-being to the people who live in it. Although it has roots in Chinese philosophies, it is universal and can be applied regardless of any religious belief.
  2. Is Feng Shui scientifically proven? There is no conclusive scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness. However, many people believe in its principles and report improvements in their quality of life after application at home.
  3. Is Feng Shui expensive? Not necessarily. The application of this art can be as simple or elaborate as you like, and can be done for little or a lot of money. A few simple changes, like adding plants, rearranging furniture, or choosing different colors for the walls, can make a big difference.


Feng Shui is an ancient art that seeks to balance the energy of an environment to bring more harmony and well-being to the people who live in it. Although there is no conclusive scientific evidence, many people believe in its principles and report improvements in their quality of life. The application of this art can be as simple or elaborate as you like, and can be done for little or a lot of money. If you are interested in experimenting with Feng Shui, start by identifying your bagua and applying some simple tips. Start by placing plants, rearranging the furniture or choosing different colors for the walls. Remember it is a constant journey. It is certainly possible to make small changes over time to continue to balance the energy in your home. We hope you enjoyed this content, so enjoy and check out more exclusive articles published daily on our portal. See you next time!

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